Each of us strives to work in such a team, the belonging to which allows him/her to proudly speak about his/her work.
Like any other organizational structure of society in its work, in addition to current legislation, we are also guided by certain ethical norms and rules. We base our work on professionalism and a responsible approach to business, on open and honest relationships in the team, on respect for our customers, suppliers, partners, on our desire for leadership and success. These rules of our professional life are clearly stated in the Code of Ethics of PJSC "Kostopil Glassware Plant", posted on the website www.kzs.glass.
The Code is the basis on which our professional activities are based. The Code is not a formal document. These are very important standards and principles, which, in fact, are the core of our success over the long term and a prerequisite for our further development. Therefore, we request everyone to carefully read the Code, to comprehend the information contained in it, and to accept it as personal rules for usage in our cooperation.
All employees of the company, contractors, and interested parties must adhere to the principles of respect and openness in our joint activities. It is necessary to respect for the opinions of the others. We have to listen to the others with appreciation and, in accordance with the established procedure, provide the necessary information observing the privacy policy.
Ethical issues are rarely simple. Our advantage is the determination to consider them. Don't keep problems to yourself: express them and ask for advice. Notify us of possible violations or deviations from the rules of conduct described in the code, if any.
You will always be heard and supported!